
Perhaps you have questions about moving into your own apartment.

Here you can find some frequently asked questions.

If you have any other questions, you are always welcome to contact us.

How do I apply for a student apartment?

Apply through the application formular on this site. Expect waiting time.

How long is the waiting time?

It's difficult to say, but we recommend that you apply as soon as you know that you will need an student apartment in the furture.

Apply through this application formular

Location of the apartments?

We have 114 apartents and they are located on six different properties in Horsens. They are located close to citylife, educational institutions and bus lines. On a map you can see all the locations here or you can experience our properties here.

What about parking spaces?

Not all properties has parking spaces. Properties with parkes spaces: Fabriksvej 4, Sundbakken 20, Lindeallé 14. We have bicycle sheds on all locations.

What is the price for a student apartment?

The price depends on the location and size of a given apartment. Prices for rent are around kr. 1.500 - 4.000 DKK. Take a look here for the exact prices.

Who can rent a student apartment?

To rent a student apartment you must be a student, or going to become a student soon. You must be 19+, in certain cases we accept 18. Contact our office if you have questions.

In all apartment sizes we accept two tenants.

Size of apartments?

The sizes of the apartments are different. We have 1-room, 1½- rooms and 2-rooms. See all options here.

How long can I stay in the apartment after completing my education?

After finishing your education you can stay in the apartment for three months. Only in special cases can this requirement be changed.

Contact the office if you have questions.

Conditions for the rent?

The apartments are rented on normal rent conditions based on the Danish tenancy law. Read more here.

What about pets?

It's not permitted to have pets in the apartments. It's not permitted to take care of other peoples pets and it's not permitted for guest to bring pets into the apartments.

Contact the office if you have questions about pets.

Can I get housing benefit?

There are specific rules if you not a danish citizen. Contact Horsens Kommune for more information.

Moving out - what are the costs?

The tenant is fully resposible for the interior maintenance of the apartment. Painting of doors, windows, interior woodwork and maintenance of the floor is done by Horsens Ungdomsboliger.

Deposit and prepaid rent?

No prepaid rent. Deposit is three months rent.

Termination of the contract?

Termination must happen with a six week warning, and the contract can be cancelled from the 1st in a month.
